Extensions tutorial: linkify
Linkify features a type of interaction that’s easy to implement with the Draft.js plugins API (here, the handlePastedText
API from Draft.js).
It only requires implementing handlePastedText
and no other API:
const linkifyPlugin = () => ({
text: string,
html: ?string,
editorState: EditorState,
{ setEditorState }: { setEditorState: (EditorState) => void },
) {
let nextState = editorState
if (text.match(LINKIFY_REGEX_EXACT)) {
const selection = nextState.getSelection()
if (selection.isCollapsed()) {
nextState = createEntity(
{ url: text },
} else {
const content = nextState.getCurrentContent()
const contentWithEntity = content.createEntity("LINK", "MUTABLE", {
url: text,
const entityKey = contentWithEntity.getLastCreatedEntityKey()
nextState = RichUtils.toggleLink(nextState, selection, entityKey)
return "handled"
return "not-handled"
Linkify is a good feature to have as an extension because it is both very useful to end users, and very opinionated – because of the regular expression used to determine whether pasted content is a URL. No URL detection will be perfect, it is important to use a technique that has appropriate false positives and false negatives for the use case.
In the above example, there are two use cases:
- If the selection is collapsed, insert the text of the URL and create a link on it.
- If the selection is not collapsed, insert the pasted URL as a link onto the selected text.
Here is a demo: